Friday, October 31, 2008

In Honor of Halloween

Say what you want about the movie. Its a cult classic and probably Tim Curry's greatest role ever.

Now I realize that these clips are out of order, and I can't believe that I am admitting this to the entire universe over the internet, but I have actually danced the Time Warp at a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Tracy said...

I've got to admit, I'm a little concerned, Ryan.

I love Tim Curry, even though just hearing his name still makes me a little nervous...

paulsharol said...

love the time warp but Vincent Price and Boris and Bela logosi get our votes

Tracy said...

I've got to tell you. The thought of you dancing the Time Warp dance (which I've done, too) had me so amused that it made it into my dreams last night. You were in the Tim Curry drag doing the Time Warp dance. Sorry Ryan!

Uncle Mummy said...

HAHAHA - I can see the Ryster now. I am wondering where you saw this movie?
Let's hope it was not at midnight at the Tower on 9th. no telling where Ryan went in that little white Colt stuffed with fifty people inside.

Uncle Mummy said...

Ryan - Thanksgiving is now over - get to work and give us the latest bike gossip.

T. McArthur said...

Little white colt? LOL. Nice.

I can relate to that.