Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stage 14 - My Personal Protest Against Poor Sportsmanship.

I can't even begin to say how disappointed I am that George Hincapie did not get the yellow jersey today. Big George is my favorite rider of all time and up until this year usually my number one pick for any of my fantasy teams. I am incredibly upset with the team tactics of Garmin today. For them to chase the way they did today shows that they are poor sportsman. I realize that it is a race and that they have to look out for the best interests of the team, but they did not start chasing in earnest until after Hincapie had crossed the line. It was not about trying to protect Wiggins or Vande Velde, it was about making sure that Hincapie did not get the yellow jersey. Very poor form in my opinion.

As long as we were talking about poor sportsmanship, lets talk about the best of the rest sprint between Hushvod and Cavendish. Team Columbia claims that he didn't stray out of his line, and that the barriers were uneven, but in the sprint I watched Mark Cavendish looked over his shoulder at Thor Hushovd and then moved in front of him forcing him into the barriers. Cavendish had no reason or right to do that. The green jersey is not the personal property of Mark Cavendish. Just because Thor was faster today was no reason to push him into the barriers. The race referees apparently agree and disqualified Cavendish's sprint relegating him to last place on the day.

As my own form of protest for the un-sportsman like behaviour today I am removing Mark Cavendish and Christian Vande Velde from my team and am forfeiting all of their points. I would rather loose the contest than have such people on my team. I've talked with Mom and she did not agree with Garmin's tactics today and has requested that I remove Tyler Farrar from her team.

Here are the fantasy results for Stage 14:


Ryan’s Team

Andy Schleck (Saxo Bank)
Tom Boonen (Quick Step)
Christian Vande Velde
Lance Armstrong (Astana)
Mark Cavendish (Columbia)
Jens Voight (Saxo Bank)
Bernard Eisel (Columbia)
Cadel Evans (Silence Lotto)
Oscar Freire (Rabobank)

Total - 0 points

Mom’s Team

Carlos Sastre (Cervelo)
Alberto Contador (Astana)
Levi Leipheimer (Astana)
Frank Schleck (Saxo Bank)
Denis Menchov (Rabobank)
Tyler Farrar (Garmin)
Stijn Devolder (Quick Step)
Cyril Dessel (AG2R)
Kim Kirchen (Columbia)

Total - 0 Points


Ryan’s Team

Andy Schleck - 8 points
Tom Boonen
Lance Armstrong - 11 points
Jens Voight - 8 points
Bernard Eisel - 6 points
Cadel Evans - 9 Points
Oscar Freire - 26 Points

Total - 68 Points

Mom’s Team

Carlos Sastre - 3 points
Alberto Contador - 29 points
Levi Leipheimer - 15 points
Frank Schleck - 8 points
Denis Menchov
Stijn Devolder
Cyril Dessel - 2 points
Kim Kirchen - 6 points

Total - 63 Points

1 comment:

Uncle Mummy said...

I am taking Tyler Ferrar off my team as he is a member of Garmin. I do not want any points from a team that spoiled Hincapies move for the Yellow. They clearly worked to deny him the win.