It seems like everyone I know has a blog, including my wife and daughter. I've even heard of people making money off of their blogs. Not wanting to be considered a luddite, I decided that it was time for me to jump on the bandwagon and finally start a blog.
For my first post I thought that I would explain my title. By trade, I am an attorney. I started law school dreaming of the large paycheck I was sure to start earning upon my graduation. I started applying for jobs all across the United States. As anyone who has been in the market for a job can attest, I also started collecting rejection letters. As graduation approached in 2003 I still had not found a job.
My first job as a law school graduate was working for a temp agency. They placed me with a local company where my primary responsibility was working in a file room all day placing documents in their proper files. A job a trained monkey could probably do. I was also paid about as much as a trained monkey. Trying to find humor in what was a very humiliating and frustrating experience for me I gave myself the name File Monkey. The company where I worked had a lot of interesting people some of whom drove me absolutely crazy. I used to joke with my wife that I was going to write a book about all of my adventures working as File Monkey and would call it "The Adventures of File Monkey." Well this isn't a book by any means, but maybe I'll blog about my adventures as File Monkey.